Kristin Norris, AVP Commercial Lending

Women in Leadership Spotlight – Kristin Norris | AVP, Commercial Lending

  1. Brief introduction of you and your role.

I have been with John Marshall Bank for three years and serve as an Assistant Vice President and Commercial Lender specializing in residential acquisition, development, and construction financing. My primary roles are to identify new business opportunities and structure loans that best meet client needs while establishing and maintaining longstanding relationships. I have my undergrad degree from Florida State University and a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development from George Mason University. While at GMU, I was a member of the 2019 NAIOP Capital Challenge Team as well as the Gunston Hall Realty Ventures Student Investment Fund. Today, I remain involved with the school serving as the Membership Chair in the GMU Real Estate Development Industry Group, assisting in maintaining a strong alumni network and event planning.

  1. What led you to the banking profession?

My mom worked in banking most of my life and I actually got my first banking “job” at a local Virginia bank at about 14 years old doing general administrative work. After college, I moved back to Virginia and started out in deposit operations at that same bank, working my way through various departments and other banks, eventually landing in Commercial Real Estate Lending where I found my passion and decided to further my education in the field.

  1. Who is the most influential woman you know?

My mom and my aunt are definitely the most influential women in my life. My mom was a single mother of two for most of my childhood and is still one of the hardest working women I’ve ever known. She has always been my biggest cheerleader in encouraging me to follow any and every passion I’ve ever had. My aunt is equally inspiring and has been my role model in my educational and professional goals. She has taught me that despite the obstacles life may put in your way, nothing is out of reach with dedication and perseverance.

  1. What advice do you have for women who want to grow/begin their careers in the finance/banking industry?

Always believe that the sky is the limit! Find the role that suits you best, but do not let that limit your opportunity for growth. Community banks like John Marshall Bank offer many opportunities to its employees to transfer into different departments and learn different roles as well as to advance within your own role. Take advantage of these opportunities. While I felt comfortable in all of the banking roles I’ve held, I’m currently one of only two female commercial lenders at John Marshall Bank and would not have made it here if I limited myself to stay within my initial comfort zone.

  1. What’s one childhood lesson that you still practice to this day?

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Whether it’s a colleague, client, or a friend/family member, perspective is always important when trying to solve a problem or resolve a conflict. Try to look at it from the other side and you might be surprised what you learn!

     6. How do you support, honor, and celebrate other women in the industry?

I do my best to recognize and congratulate all accomplishments, big or small, of my friends and colleagues. Whether it’s as simple as completing a task quickly and efficiently or a promotion to a new role, no accolade is too small.

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