IntraFi® Network DepositsSM

Securing Your Savings While Still Continuing to Earn
You’ve worked hard to build your finances and here at John Marshall Bank, we recognize your hard work. Whether it’s business or personal, we believe you deserve to have peace of mind when it comes to protecting your deposits. Whether you need the CD option or Money Market option, your funds will not only be secured through the FDIC network but enjoy competitive earnings on interest.
CDARS® – One Bank. One Rate. One Statement.
We offer up to $50 million in FDIC insurance coverage on CD investments through CDARS. Through CDARS, you’ll enjoy the convenience of having one bank with one rate and one statement.
We provide an intuitive statement that summarizes all your CD holdings and removes the need to consolidate multiple statements or interest disbursements.
Plus, with our all-in-one system, you won’t have to worry about the administrative burdens of dealing with your accounts and financials, especially during tax and financial reporting seasons.
ICS® Money Market Options
Through ICS – your funds are eligible for a Demand Deposit option and Money Market option up to $150 million, a Money Market-only option up to $100 million, and a Demand Deposit-only option up to $125 million in FDIC insurance.
With IntraFi Network Deposits, you’ll have access to either unlimited program withdrawals (using the IntraFi Demand option) or up to six program withdrawals per month (using the IntraFi Money Market option).
We’ll also provide a monthly statement for each option containing your balances and other key information. You can view your daily balance information, activity, and transaction information through your JMB online banking account.